December 21, 2019 - BY Admin


The occupational health, safety and environmental control professional program provides participants with the skills and knowledge they need to develop and implement a variety of occupational health, safety and environmental control programs at the workplace. This knowledge is necessary in order to ensure the safety and protection of personnel.

Program Requirements
Candidates for the certificate must complete:

  • Four core courses 
  • Two elective courses (can be chosen from another program)

 Core Courses:

OSHA 010
 OSHA 010: Fundamentals of Health, Safety and Environmental Control (HSE)

The objective of this course is to give participants the scientific and engineering background of health, safety and environmental control.

OSHA 020
 OSHA 020: OSHA General Industry Safety and Health Training

The objective of this course is to introduce participants to OSHA policies, procedures and standards as well as general industry safety and health principles covered in OSHA.

 OSHA 030 OSHA 030: Risk Management, Job Hazard Analysis and HAZOP Studies

This course examines risk assessment and the critical concepts of risk management and job hazard analysis.

 OSHA 040 OSHA 040: Occupational Health and safety management systems (ISO 45001) and Environmental management systems (ISO 14001)

The main objective of the course is to familiarize participants with the main elements of the international standards OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.

Elective Courses (Choose two, both can be chosen from another program):

 OSHA 050 OSHA 050: Drilling and Work-Over Safety

The objective of this course is to inform engineers working in drilling and work over on the safety procedures and obligations that apply to their workplace environments. These procedures are necessary in order to reduce or eliminate work hazards in this unique environment.

 OSHA 060 OSHA 060: OSHA Construction Industry Safety and Health Training

This course introduces participants to OSHA policies, procedures and standards. It examines the construction industry safety and health principles outlined in OSHA Act Part 1926. Special emphasis will be placed on defining and examining hazardous areas, using OSHA standards as a guide.

 OSHA 070 OSHA 070: Maritime Industry – Shipyard Employment Standards (Shipbuilding, Ship Repairing, Ship Breaking)

This course focuses on maritime industry workplace hazards and examines the application of OSHA standards to the unique aspects of this industry.

 OSHA 080 OSHA 080: Fire Marshal Training

This course provides participants with the required knowledge to fulfill the role of a fire marshal. It will also assist those who have a practical responsibility for fire safety within buildings or workplaces to develop procedures and fire management systems.

 OSHA 085 OSHA 085: HSE Auditing

The main objective of this course is to provide engineers working in the field of safety with the knowledge, skills and methodologies required to check the performance and effectiveness of their safety systems and ensure their compliance with related standards.

 OSHA 090 OSHA 090: Accident Investigations

This course trains participants to investigate accidents and identify direct and indirect accident sources. It examines the process of gathering facts and learning from accidents in order to develop future safety recommendations and measures.