June 20, 2020 - BY Admin


This program provides participants with the knowledge and skills the need to develop a career in the real estate industry. 

Program Requirements
Candidates for the program must complete the six courses

REST 001 REST 001: Basics of Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation

This course introduces concepts related to the appraisal and valuation process.

REST 002
 REST 002: Construction and Building Legislation

This course examines the concepts of construction and building legislation and key topics related to construction and urban systems planning and development. 

 REST 003 REST 003: Real Estate Activities Regulating Institutions and Entities

Preparation course for accreditation by the Egyptian Authority for Real Estate This course examines real estate assets, services, notions and markets. It also examines the entitles which impact supply and demand powers, whether public, private or expatriate.

 REST 004 REST 004: Engineering and Environmental Aspects

This course introduces different types of architecture, furniture and decorum. It also covers environmental evaluation. 


REST 005

 REST 005: Methods and Approaches of Residential Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation

This course defines the methods involved in residential building locations appraisal and key topics related to the assessment of depreciation and deterioration.


 REST 006

 REST 006: Methods and Approaches of Non-Residential Real Estate Appraisal and Valuation

This course defines the methods involved in non-residential building locations appraisal and key topics related to the assessment of depreciation and deterioration.